Tuesday, April 27, 2010


About a year and a half ago, I took the beginning Wilton Cake Class at JoAnn's with my friend Erin.  We had a really fun time and learned some good tips & tricks.  I've done a few cakes since then, but I was ready to learn some new things.  So when Chrissy was signing up for the second class, I signed up with her and for the last four Monday nights I've been playing with sugar, lots of sugar!  This class was mostly about making different types of flowers, which sort of freaked me out since I wasn't very good at making buttercream flowers in the first class.

In this class, we used royal icing & turns out I can actually make some flowers now!  We made violets, apple blossoms, primroses, pansies, daffodils, daisies, and roses.  Here's a picture of all the flowers I've made in the last few weeks.

...and here's the final project.  I also made a little picket fence out of color flow icing but decided to leave it off the cake.  Note to self, unless you're going for a very specific look, do not use brown icing. :-)

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