Thursday, August 12, 2010


....we have a patio!  Our patio was installed this week and we had our first pizza night outside.  We haven't really gotten to enjoy our backyard since we moved in so we're really looking forward to having a nice space to use while we're home on leave with baby.  It will definitely get a lot of use once football season begins too!

We also managed to get a couple cute pictures of Hohnnes & Otto while we were outside with the camera.  This is no big deal for Otto, who loves to mug for the camera, but Hohnnes is super afraid of it and always tries to run away (thus the hiding behind my legs).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So I guess it's hard to notice big changes to yourself since they happen gradually.  My doctor keeps saying that this baby looks pretty big, but I didn't realize how big I look until I looked at these two pictures side by side.  What a difference 13 weeks makes.

25 Weeks
38 Weeks

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We don't have many flowers in our front yard (and none in the backyard), but we decided to wait to plant anything until we were sure that that we knew of everything that was there.  There isn't much there, but some things have finally started to bloom! 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


About a year and a half ago, I took the beginning Wilton Cake Class at JoAnn's with my friend Erin.  We had a really fun time and learned some good tips & tricks.  I've done a few cakes since then, but I was ready to learn some new things.  So when Chrissy was signing up for the second class, I signed up with her and for the last four Monday nights I've been playing with sugar, lots of sugar!  This class was mostly about making different types of flowers, which sort of freaked me out since I wasn't very good at making buttercream flowers in the first class.

In this class, we used royal icing & turns out I can actually make some flowers now!  We made violets, apple blossoms, primroses, pansies, daffodils, daisies, and roses.  Here's a picture of all the flowers I've made in the last few weeks.

...and here's the final project.  I also made a little picket fence out of color flow icing but decided to leave it off the cake.  Note to self, unless you're going for a very specific look, do not use brown icing. :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's a boy!

Last week was a big one as we found out that baby Schoeff is baby boy Schoeff.  It's nice to be able to refer to "him" instead of "it" or "the baby".  We started our registry over the weekend and got the ball rolling on putting his nursery together.  Exciting!  We're past the halfway mark and everything is looking good!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yay for Spring!

Thank goodness the snow is melting!  We've had a fun start to the week enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather.  We took a nice walk around the neighborhood on Sunday & I actually got to walk across campus to class on Monday & Tuesday instead of taking the bus!  Yesterday I finally got to break out my flip flops which was probably the most exciting event of my week. :-)

Otto went along with us on our walk Sunday.  I think it may be time for a spring haircut!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good Intentions...

I completely forgot that I even started this blog way back when until a friend recently commented that I never update it!  She wasn't wrong!  A lot has been going on with us since my last update (more than six months ago) and I just haven't gotten around to it.  So I'm returning to the blog world with a renewed dedication to post more than just every six months. 

We're fairly settled into our new place, though there are some boxes I'm sure we'll never unpack.  I like to think of them as little time capsules that we'll look at someday. :-)  At any rate, I need to organize some pictures, so hopefully I'll be able to get some pics of the house up soon.

In the meantime, feel free to check up on our blog and give me a hard time if I'm not keeping up!